Monday, March 31, 2008

Toronto FC In Ohio

Probably one of the best experiences of my life came this past Saturday, as 5 of us made our way down to Columbus, Ohio to watch Toronto FC play their first game on the season. The crowd that made its way down to support Toronto was in the thousands. We started the grill, and had a good old fashion tailgate party to start the party. Sure, we had a van and not a truck, but it didn't matter. The crowd kept growing and soon the entire parking lot was covered in Red jerseys.
We soon ventured into the stadium, and into our seats. We were surrounded by Columbus fans, but it gave us a perfect view of the massive Red blob that formed behind the visitors net. We could hear the chanting, seen the streamers being thrown, and watched as a massive Toronto FC flag engulfed a third of the fans. Once halftime hit, we left our post and went with the rest of the fans behind the net. We started chanting, singing, and having a blast. It was amazing, the atmosphere and the energy that the Toronto FC fans have. I feel honoured to be a part of it.
As I wake up this Monday morning, still feeling the pain of a sore throat, I know that there will be more games in the future that I will be attending.

"TFC!" Clap Clap Clap. "TFC!" Clap Clap Clap. Go Toronto FC!

Oh ya, Toronto lost 2-0.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Laying the beat down

Wow. This is pretty nuts. Its Patrick Roy's son in the red jersey, opening up a world of hurt on the other goaltender. I know junior gets intense, but geez, this guy takes it to another level. This is no hockey fight, its beating on a kid who doesn't want to fight. I think he might have just kissed his NHL career away (unless Philly drafts him)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Yikes its hot

If you like explosions, go here. Theres plenty of it

Go Habs Go

Hello Fellow Montreal Canadien Fans! While I was in Montreal, I found a sweet radio station that talks about the Habs most of the time. Its a good station, some good shows, and I suggest, if your a Habs fan, to check it out!

Its the Team 990. Its awesome

Go Habs Go!

This is still here?

So I have returned from Montreal to the village of Strathroy. The weekend back was good, ran into some familiar faces, known eateries, and all in all, good times. I also got my feet back into some skates and played some hockey on Monday. It was good times, good to be back on the ice. Then went to this guys house for some home brew and high-fiving.

It was a good weekend. Hope more are to follow!
